Thursday, 25 February 2010

Evaluation - Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develope or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • My title is the largest font on the page this is because by being the largest font on the page it will draw the audiences attention to the headline.
  • It is a unique font that is use no where else in my magazine this is because my title must be a trademark for my magazine.

  • The title is only one phrase this is a code and convention of a magazine. By being only one phrase this make the title much snappier and memorable.
  • The model is looking at the camera which creates a direct address with the audience which is also a code and convention of magazines.
  • She isn’t smiling which portrays an attitude. This is a code and convention of a music magazine as the attitude portrayed on the models face has connotations with indie music magazines.
  • Framing the image is a brick wall which connotes with the cover line of “LOUISE takes music to the streets”. This is because the brick wall makes the audience think that she is standing on the street.
  • I have used creative photography as is it a code and convention of a music magazine. To do this, I took my front cover image at a high angle. This portrays a look of mischief.
  • I have put a strip and the bottom of the page. This is so that the audience knows what else is in the magazine without having to turn to the contents page.
  • The bar code is at the bottom right corner. I have done this because the bar code must always be on the front of a magazine as the back page is used to advertise a product.
  • It contains an issue date and price so that people know that it is the most recent issue and also so they know how much it costs as it may be cheaper or more expensive than other competing magazines.
  • The cover lines feature bands. This is to attract the attention of fans of the artists who will be interested in hearing about them.
  • The main cover line is anchored to the main image on the front cover, this is because the audience will first be attracted by the image and then read the cover line that it goes with.

  • Titles have been used to divide up the content so that the audience know what content appears every issue and what content is special just for that issue.
  • There are regular articles and feature articles. This is a code and convention of music magazines. This is something the audience rely upon as they may be the magazine with the knowledge that there is certain content.

  • There is one main image and smaller ones around it so that the audiences eyes are drawn to the larger image which is usually a bigger, more important article.
  • Page numbers anchor the images to the relevant content.

  • The content’s page is arranged so that all of the image are on the left hand side where as all of the text is on the right hand side. This gives the page some sort of order and keeps all of the text together, making it clearer to read.
  • The page numbers are before the text. I did this because it is a convention of other magazine.
  • The titles of the articles all contain simple vocabulary so that anyone can understand them.

    • The colour scheme of my magazine is consistent throughout as this gives the audience a definite colour to link to the magazine “THEMIX”.
    • The title of the magazine is repeated as this allows the audience are able to know that it is “THEMIX” without having to look at the front cover.

  • I have used creative photography as it portrays attitude which is a connotation of my music magazine.
  • The model on the front cover is wearing clothes typical of the indie genre this is so the audience will be able to recognize the chosen social group more easily.

  • Page numbers have been placed with an image; anchoring it to the relevant content. This is a code and convention of magazines. It allows the audience to find the content they want quickly.

  • The main image for my double page spread takes up a whole page. This is a convention of a magazine double page spread as the large image shows the audience what the article is about.
  • The main image of my double page spread bleeds onto the next page. This is so that the two pages are linked together.
  • The standfirst has a larger type face than the rest of the article. This draws the audience’s eyes and introduces them to the article they are about to read.
  • The standfirst is connected to the headline as they are both lyrics from a Radiohead song which is what the article is about.
  • The headline is a quote from the Radiohead son ‘Fake plastic Trees’. I used a song lyric because it connotes the band. Moreover, people who are already fans of the band will be attracted as they should know who the article is about as apposed to having to read it to find out.

    • A large quote breaks up the text. This is so that the audience are not reading large amounts of text in one go.
    • The date and name of the magazine are at the bottom of the page. This is a code and convention of a music magazine. This means that even if the reader does not have the front cover, they know the name of the magazine and the date it was published.

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