Thursday, 22 April 2010

Finished production

Music magazine front cover 

Music magazine contents page

Music magazine double page spread

School magazine front cover

School magazine contents page 

Monday, 1 March 2010

Evaluation - Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task how do you feel you have leaned from the progression from it to your main task?

Looking back at your preliminary task how do you feel you have learned from the progression from it to your main task?

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Friday, 26 February 2010

Evaluation - Question 4: Who would the audience for your media product be?

Who would the audience for your media product be?

Jenny Parry

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Lives in: Wallasey

College: Weatherhead

As subjects: media, film studies, design technology and art & design

Jenny enjoys attending gigs in her spare time and some of her favourite artists include you me at six, Muse and Glasvegas. She also enjoys drawing and photography. At the moment Jenny has a part time job in the 02 academy however, in the future she would like to work in the media industry, although she is unsure as to which aspect of the media industry she is interested in.

Age: 17

Gender: male

Lives in: Birkenhead

College: Birkenhead sixth form

As subjects: Media, music and ICT.

Aaron plays the drums in a unsigned band with three of his close friends. His favourite artists are Florence and the Machine, Editors and The White Lies. At the moment Aaron is learning to drive and would like to work as a radio presenter on the national radio when he finished College.

Here is a link to a video of the type of people who will read my magazine.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Evaluation - Question 3: What kind of media institutions will distribute your media product?

What kind of media institutions will distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation - Question 2: How does you media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation - Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develope or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • My title is the largest font on the page this is because by being the largest font on the page it will draw the audiences attention to the headline.
  • It is a unique font that is use no where else in my magazine this is because my title must be a trademark for my magazine.

  • The title is only one phrase this is a code and convention of a magazine. By being only one phrase this make the title much snappier and memorable.
  • The model is looking at the camera which creates a direct address with the audience which is also a code and convention of magazines.
  • She isn’t smiling which portrays an attitude. This is a code and convention of a music magazine as the attitude portrayed on the models face has connotations with indie music magazines.
  • Framing the image is a brick wall which connotes with the cover line of “LOUISE takes music to the streets”. This is because the brick wall makes the audience think that she is standing on the street.
  • I have used creative photography as is it a code and convention of a music magazine. To do this, I took my front cover image at a high angle. This portrays a look of mischief.
  • I have put a strip and the bottom of the page. This is so that the audience knows what else is in the magazine without having to turn to the contents page.
  • The bar code is at the bottom right corner. I have done this because the bar code must always be on the front of a magazine as the back page is used to advertise a product.
  • It contains an issue date and price so that people know that it is the most recent issue and also so they know how much it costs as it may be cheaper or more expensive than other competing magazines.
  • The cover lines feature bands. This is to attract the attention of fans of the artists who will be interested in hearing about them.
  • The main cover line is anchored to the main image on the front cover, this is because the audience will first be attracted by the image and then read the cover line that it goes with.

  • Titles have been used to divide up the content so that the audience know what content appears every issue and what content is special just for that issue.
  • There are regular articles and feature articles. This is a code and convention of music magazines. This is something the audience rely upon as they may be the magazine with the knowledge that there is certain content.

  • There is one main image and smaller ones around it so that the audiences eyes are drawn to the larger image which is usually a bigger, more important article.
  • Page numbers anchor the images to the relevant content.

  • The content’s page is arranged so that all of the image are on the left hand side where as all of the text is on the right hand side. This gives the page some sort of order and keeps all of the text together, making it clearer to read.
  • The page numbers are before the text. I did this because it is a convention of other magazine.
  • The titles of the articles all contain simple vocabulary so that anyone can understand them.

    • The colour scheme of my magazine is consistent throughout as this gives the audience a definite colour to link to the magazine “THEMIX”.
    • The title of the magazine is repeated as this allows the audience are able to know that it is “THEMIX” without having to look at the front cover.

  • I have used creative photography as it portrays attitude which is a connotation of my music magazine.
  • The model on the front cover is wearing clothes typical of the indie genre this is so the audience will be able to recognize the chosen social group more easily.

  • Page numbers have been placed with an image; anchoring it to the relevant content. This is a code and convention of magazines. It allows the audience to find the content they want quickly.

  • The main image for my double page spread takes up a whole page. This is a convention of a magazine double page spread as the large image shows the audience what the article is about.
  • The main image of my double page spread bleeds onto the next page. This is so that the two pages are linked together.
  • The standfirst has a larger type face than the rest of the article. This draws the audience’s eyes and introduces them to the article they are about to read.
  • The standfirst is connected to the headline as they are both lyrics from a Radiohead song which is what the article is about.
  • The headline is a quote from the Radiohead son ‘Fake plastic Trees’. I used a song lyric because it connotes the band. Moreover, people who are already fans of the band will be attracted as they should know who the article is about as apposed to having to read it to find out.

    • A large quote breaks up the text. This is so that the audience are not reading large amounts of text in one go.
    • The date and name of the magazine are at the bottom of the page. This is a code and convention of a music magazine. This means that even if the reader does not have the front cover, they know the name of the magazine and the date it was published.

    Thursday, 14 January 2010

    Main task 15 Screen Shots

    Task fifteen

    Screen Grabs

    Front cover:

    First draft of front cover:

    Second draft front cover:

    Final front cover:

    Contents page:

    Final contents page:

    Double page spread:

    Final contents page:

    Wednesday, 13 January 2010

    Main tasks 1 - 14 Research & Planning

    Main task
    The codes and conventions of a music magazine cover.
    The headline is usually one word/letter or letters long
    The headline is usually aligned to the left.
    The headline uses unique font.
    The headline is always the biggest font on the page.
    There is always a consistent colour scheme.
    The main image is of an artists.
    The artists on the main image look at the camera.
    The artists on the front do not usually smile which conveys attitude.
    Creative photography is used.
    A slightly lower camera angle gives the artist the air of power.
    There is usually smaller pictures of performances or artists.
    A strip at the bottom or top lists additional information.
    The barcode is always on the bottom right corner.
    The barcode is always on the front because the back page has been bought for advertisement.
    Puffs advertise "something for nothing".
    They typography is either sans (with) or serif (without).
    There is always an issue date and price.
    Codes and conventions of a magazine contents page
    The contents page usually contains the email address of the magazine and contact details.
    Sometimes there is an editorial letter (not always) which has a picture.
    There is one main image.
    Then some smaller images.
    Creative photography is used.
    There is a consistent colour scheme.
    Page numbers on the pictures anchor the image to written content.
    There are usually two to three columns.
    There is sometimes subscription details.
    They have white backgrounds the majority of the time.
    The title of the magazine is repeated.
    There is an issue date.
    It has the page numbers and then text (about the article).
    The sub line is in smaller text.
    There are regular (articles which appear in each issue) and feature (articles which are a one off) article.
    The main image takes up a whole page of more.
    The main image is bleeds across to the next page.
    The headlines usually stretch across the two pages.
    Strap lines or boarders often bleed across the two pages.
    There is sometimes drop capitals at the start of an article so you know where to start reading from.
    Bold type is used on the first paragraph which has a slightly bigger type face.
    More than one image is usually used.
    Codes and conventions of a magazine double page spread
    The stand first has a larger font size.
    Smaller images are used to break up the text - which makes me more inviting.
    Panels and quotes can also be used to break up the text.
    Quote are sometimes used on the main image.
    There is a byline which is the name or the artist who wrote the article. (usually in or by the stand first or the end of the article)
    There is usually a credit (the name of the photographer).
    Stand first goes under the headline.
    The headline doesn't have to make sense.
    Creative, eye catching headlines.
    The artist's names are highlighted.
    Page numbers are at the bottom of the magazine with the issue date.
    There is usually a website address.
    There is a limited use of colour.
    Usually laid out in columns (3 or 4).
    There is usually a creative use of photography.
    An informal style of writing is used.
    The personality of the writer comes through in the article.
    The articles induces opinions

    Task Two

    Price: £2.20
    Frequency: Weekly
    Average Issue Size: 66 pages


    Price: £3.90
    Frequency: Monthly
    Average Issue Size: 160 pages


    Price: £4.40
    Frequency: Monthly
    Average Issue Size: 154 pages


    Price: £2.10
    Frequency: Weekly
    Average Issue Size: 63 pages

    Regular content:
    Editors letter
    Cross words/games

    Feature Content:
    An example of one magazines feature content:
    The Kendal indie rockers might just be the best new British band in years, mixing high art with unforgettable tunes

    The boho jazz-folk songstress on her greatest works

    “We’ve been written out of history!” claims Ari Up, back to cause trouble with her punky reggae crew

    The British invasion that brought punk to our French cousins at the Mont de Marsan festival in 1977

    Norah Jones, Bob Dylan, Broadcast, Mark Eitzel, Elvis Costello, U2, Chris Bell, Tricky, and many more

    The Coen Brothers’ latest, A Serious Man; Ang Lee’s festival comedy Taking Woodstock, plus The Men Who Stare At Goats On DVD: Brilliant Polish war drama Katyn, plus Peep Show, Moon, and a career-spanning Roxy Music documentary Read James Ellroy’s Blood’s A Rover and the hilarious I Am Ozzy!, by Black Sabbath’s Prince of Darkness himself

    Edwyn Collins, Jools Holland and Roland S Howard…

    Questionnaire Results
    Are you male or female?
    8 males

    12 females

    By having more females than males answer my questionnaire the results may be biased towards the male gender. Therefore, when producing my magazine production, I will have to take this into account.

    How old are you?

    The majority of people i asked were aged between 16 and 20. This will come in handy with the production of my music magazine as most of the people who answered my questionnaire where in my target audience.

    What music magazine/s do you read?

    Most of the people questioned read "Kerrang". This is a music magazine which is very similar to mine, therefore, i could use it to help me with the production of my magazine.

    How Often do you buy music magazines?

    When twenty people were asked which frequency of publication they preferred most of them said monthly. This will effect the frequency of publication of my music magazine.

    How much do you usually pay for a music magazine?

    The results of my questionnaire show that no people were willing to pay more than three pound for a music magazine. Therefore, my magazine will cost three pound or under.

    What are your two favorite colors?

    The most popular color was blue. I will take this into account when creating my music magazine. I will also take into account that the colors pink and green were not very popular, therefore it is unlikely that i will use those colors.

    What is your favourite genre of music?










    There is a variation of music type that were given. However, my magazine will be an 'indie' magazine. Therefore, my questionnaire results are relavent to the type of magazine I will produce. This means that I can use answers given in the questionnaire when making desisions during production.

    List three words you associate with indie music:





    Checkered shirts

    "geek" glasses


    Bright colours

    heavy eye makeup




    Who is your favourite artist?

    All American Rejects

    Fall Out Boy


    Mumford & Sons

    Florence & the Machine


    Hollywood Undead



    Arctic Monkeys

    The White Lies

    Dizzee Rascal


    Kings Of Leon


    The King Blues


    The Killers

    Which do you prefer?

    The results of my questionnaire show me that my target audience prefer to see colored images in magazines, therefore, this may suede my decision concerning the photography in my magazine. As less people preferred black and white images, i will most likely use coloured images.

    What is your favourite thing about the music magazine you read?

    The freebies


    Gig updates

    Upcoming festivals

    Upcoming music

    The articles

    What do you dislike about the magazine you read?

    The adverts

    The lack of unsigned artists

    The price

    How thin it is

    Task Ten

    Publication Plan
    Title: THEMIX

    Positioning statement: All indie music

    Frequency of publication: Monthly

    Price: £2.70

    Distribution: News agents, gig venues and supermarkets like Tesco and Asda, also in shops such as WH Smith.

    Rationale: The aim of my magazine is to offer indie music fans with the latest music news, upcoming bands, the hottest gigs and interviews with the latest artists. Opinions will be offered in articles and unsigned bands will feature along side signed bands – giving the reader insight on what’s new.

    Style: The magazine gives plenty of information on the topics but also offers an opinion. It uses simple vocabulary and the writing style is informal yet opinionated which lets the personality of the author show in the text. Images will be equally as important as text in the layout of my magazine.

    Regular content:

    Editor’s letter

    Gig guides.

    Upcoming Albums

    Fan Mail.

    Your questions answered!

    What you’re listening to this month.

    Stalked – A day in the life of The view!

    Top ten unsigned acts.

    Win a bag of swag

    Jamie’s behind the scenes

    Guitar TAB of the month!

    Feature Content:

    Kings of Leon – Is there a new queen on the throne?

    The white lies tell the truth

    The arctic monkeys hit sunny Salou.

    The extroverts – will they make it?

    Are the filthy youth no more?

    No country makes the big screen

    Have you been FOBed off?

    The Killers are back in Whitechapel

    The king blues go pink

    Passion Pitiful

    Take a ride on my Foal.

    Five Hottest Festivals!

    MGMT dance to joy division

    Radiohead – shown us their house of cards.

    Muse-ic we’re mad about!

    Who’s Geraldine?

    The unholy trinity of the stone roses

    Tyson hit’s the deck

    When Win Butler slept in a submarine

    London’s calling the clash

    Louise takes music to the streets

    House Style:

    Cover lines: Arial Narrow and Arial

    Headlines: Gill Sans Ultra Bold

    Standfirst: Arial Narrow 14pt. Byline to be included in standfirst.

    Captions: Arial narrow 8pt

    Features first paragraph: Drop Capital Arial Narrow 6 lines deep and the first line are in capitals.

    Body text: Times New Roman

    Colour scheme: Blue, white and a bit of black

    Task Eleven

    Front cover image

    The front cover image will be of a model standing against a brick wall which connoted “the streets”. Moreover, she will be wearing a brightly coloured dress and heavy makeup which is a convention of “indie”. The lighting will be bright as I will take the picture in mid day and the model will have an expression of attitude.

    Coverlines for my front cover

    Is there a new Queen on the throne?

    The white lies tell the truth

    Have you been FOBed off?

    Louise takes music to the streets.

    Part time pandas full time job

    Text for contents page

    Page 3 Editor’s letter

    Page 7 fan mail

    Page 10 What you’re listening to this month

    Page 12 The arctic monkeys hit sunny Salou

    Page 17 Top ten unsigned acts

    Page 18 Take a ride on my Foal

    Page 23 Gig guides

    Page 28 In a town full of rubber plants

    Page 31 Passion Pitiful

    Page 36 Is there a new queen on the throne?

    Page 40 your questions answered!

    Page 43 The white lies tell the truth

    Page 45 The part time pandas full time job

    Page 47 Are the filthy youth no more?

    Page 51 Upcoming Albums

    Page 52 No country makes the big screen

    Page 58 Have you been FOBed off?

    Page 63 Stalked – A day in the life of the view

    Page 65 The Killers are back in Whitechapel

    Page 69 The king blues go pink

    Page 74 Five Hottest Festivals!

    Page 80 MGMT dance to joy division

    Page 83 Muse-ic we’re mad about!

    Page 86 Who’s Geraldine?

    Page 92 The unholy trinity of the stone roses

    Page 94 Tyson hit’s the deck

    Page 97 When Win Butler slept in a submarine

    Page 100 London’s calling the clash

    Page 103 Jamie’s behind the scenes

    Page 104 Win a bag of swag

    Images I will need for the contents page

    All American rejects (Tyson)

    Person wearing big head phones, next to a big boom box type radio building a house of cards.

    The genuine articles performing at the 02 academy

    The part time pandas full time

    The double page spread

    I am planning on doing a biographical article on the band Radiohead. For this, I will use the internet and magazines to find out relevant information on Radiohead.

    The main image I will use for my article will be of a person in a black shirt with a radio for a head.

    Task Twelve

    Questions for interview:

    How many Radiohead gigs have you been to?
    When did you go?
    Where was it? What was the atmosphere like?
    Did the band preform well?
    Did Thom Yorke say anything about the song "creep"?

    Task Thirteen
    Front cover:
    Not used:


    I used this image as i believe it portrayed attitude in the model's expression more so than the other images. Moreover, the way she is standing against the wall is relaxed which also connotes indie music. Also, this image has good positioning and framing which enables me to put the cover lines around the model.

    Contents page:

    I used the bellow image, however, i used Photoshop to change part of the picture into black and white, leaving the remaining part of the picture in colour. I did this to create creative photography and bellow the original picture i have included the edited picture which features on my contents page.

    Double page spread:

    I used the above two images to create the main image for my double page spread. Using the magic wand on Photoshop i was able to cut out the radio and place it over my models head. Moreover, i cut out the speaker and replaced the background with a tinted version of that. Bellow is the finished image.

    Task forteen

    This is the rough sketch for my double page spread. This was my initial idea for my double page spread, however, during the progression of my double page spread my ideas changed when i came to see what looked professional. Therefore, my double page spread looks different to what i initially planned. Moreover, due to the length of my article i had to add another page to my double page spread to accommodate the amount of text.